The Holy Eucharist - 29th June '22 | 7:00 am| Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles |

The Holy Eucharist - 29th June '22 | 7:00 am| Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles |

Mass Timing: I. C Church From 1st July 2022 | Weekdays- [Monday - Saturday] (English) 6:30am; *7:15am; 5:30pm; 7:00pm *Online Mass Masses on Sundays- (Marathi) 6:00am (Konkani) 7:00am (English) *8:00am; 9:00am; 10:00am; 5:30pm; 7:00pm *Online Mass Sun-Centre- (Brothers’ Chapel)- Children Mass 8:00am followed by Sunday School (9:00am- 10:00am) (St. Thomas Church)- (Saturday) 6:00 p.m. (Eden Villa)- (Sunday) 6:00 pm - (will be informed) Confession- (Monday -Saturday) 10:00am to 11:00am Saturday 4:30pm to 5:15pm Baptism- Every Saturday- After 5:30pm Mass Holy Half Hour - All 1st Fridays only - 6:30pm to 7:00pm Blessed Sacrament Chapel timings: 6:00 am to 1:00pm & 4:00 pm to 9:00pm N.B- (*)- Streamed online via our Parish YouTube Channel. (Streamed live on the Parish YouTube Channel) ENGLISH - 07:00 AM (Daily) Novenas (After Mass) Wednesday - Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Thursday - St. Jude Saturday - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception This video is available for your online participation in the Eucharist. You are invited to share the video with your family and friends. Subscribe to this channel for alerts and notifications on Daily Masses, Para-liturgical Services, Online Catechesis and other videos.