R&A Alleluia 3rd Sunday Advent 2018 YEAR C

R&A Alleluia 3rd Sunday Advent 2018 YEAR C

Gospel Acclamation: Isaiah 61:1 (cited in Luke 4:18) LYRICS BELOW. ==================================================== R/ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. V/ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. R/ ==================================================== Originally posted for the Third Sunday of Advent Dec 14, 2014 (Year B) Third Sunday of Advent 2015 (Year C) Third Sunday of Advent 2016 (Year A) 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 (Year B) 3rd Sunday Advent 2018 (YEAR C) Written by Owen Alstott. All copyrights remain with their owners. For educational purposes only. Performed by Khrisha J Blackwell. Thanks for watching! Like, share, and subscribe! Sheet music can be purchased and downloaded from ocp.org Respond and Acclaim / Responde y Aclama Responsorial Psalm / Salmo Responsorial Gospel Acclamation / Aclamacíon Antes del Evangelio ==================================================== 😍😉🙌Want to follow me on social media?😎😋😁 facebook.com/stagnantdisarray googleplus.com/KhrishaJBlackwell pinterest.com/KhrishaB twitter.com/KhrishaKhrisha instagram.com/KhrishaJBlackwell    / khrishajblackwell   🎥🎤🎶 Check out my other YouTube channel here:    / @khrishablackwell   💒🎼🎹 Support my music ministry here: Paypal.Me/Khrisha 🙏💟💀Visit my shop on etsy for unique handmade rosaries, chaplets, and memento mori: StagnantDisarray.etsy.com 📦📨📪 Send me some awesome Snail Mail here: PO Box 2023 Chula Vista, CA 91912 💀💀💀💖💗💝😚😘😇