Joseph BIBLE TRIVIA šŸ’­ - The Ultimate Bible Quiz with KJV - 45 Questions

Joseph BIBLE TRIVIA šŸ’­ - The Ultimate Bible Quiz with KJV - 45 Questions

How well do you know Joseph? In this Christian Bible Quiz, you can put your skills to the test and try to guess all 45 Bible questions! You have 7 seconds to guess right. Questions are from the book of Ruth in the Bible. Test your knowledge and see if you can guess all the answers in the ultimate Bible quiz and trivia! There are 4 bonus rounds of the "find the odd one out" emoji quiz. Are you ready? Explore the Bible with this Christian quiz with questions and answers. It's a Bible quiz with questions and answers. Great Bible quiz for groups. This Bible trivia questions and answers multiple choice is ideal for icebreakers and team building. We've also provided the answers, as well as the Bible verse for reference. Get ready to use your Bible Noggin! šŸ§  We take a Bible quiz and turn it into a game of learning and fun! Each question is designed to challenge you as they increase in difficulty through the video. šŸŒŸ Round 1 - 00:22 Easy: Start with the basics! šŸ”„ Round 2 - 04:43 Medium: Dive a little deeper into the Scriptures. šŸ’« Round 3 - 09:25 Hard: Brace yourself for the ultimate challenge! Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more Bible quizzes. MORE QUIZZES: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā BibleĀ QuizĀ Ā  BIBLE QUIZ QUESTIONS šŸ¤Ø What was the name of Joseph's father? What special gift did Joseph receive from his father? How many brothers did Joseph have? Who was Joseph's mother? What made Joseph's brothers hate him even more? What did Joseph's brothers do to him out of jealousy? What did Joseph's brothers tell their father had happened to him? What did Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy during the famine? Who did Joseph say gave him the ability to interpret dreams? How many sisters did Joseph have? BONUS ROUND - Emoji Challenge Which brother tried to stop the others from throwing Joseph into the pit? Who bought Joseph as a slave in Egypt? Who forgot about Joseph after being released from prison? What ability helped Joseph gain favor while in prison? What were the two dreams Pharaoh had that Joseph interpreted? Why was Joseph put in prison in Egypt? How many years of famine did Joseph predict after interpreting Pharaoh's dream? What did Joseph place in Benjamin's sack? What position did Pharaoh give Joseph after interpreting his dreams? Which brother temporarily stayed in Egypt as a slave? Who convinced Jacob to let Benjamin go to Egypt with his brothers? BONUS ROUND - Emoji Quiz How did Joseph react when he revealed his identity to his brothers? What did Jacob ask his sons to bring back to him from Egypt? Why did Joseph's family move to Egypt? What did Joseph's brothers do when they first met him in Egypt, not recognizing him? What did Joseph call his brothers the first time they came to buy grain? What did Joseph's brothers bring from Canaan to Egypt to prove they were honest men? What was the name of Joseph's firstborn son? What was the condition of Egypt during the first seven years? What was the name of the priest of On whose daughter Joseph married? How many sons did Joseph have? What was the name of Joseph's second son? How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery? What did Joseph's brothers find in their sacks the first time they bought grain? How old was Joseph when he became the ruler of Egypt? How did Jacob react when he learned that Joseph was still alive? How did Joseph comfort his brothers after their father's death? What was the condition of Egypt during the first seven years? How many years did Joseph live? What did the brothers fear Joseph would do after Jacob's death? Where did Joseph ask to be buried? Where did Joseph keep all the food from the seven years of plenty? How many years was Joseph in prison after the butler was released? What did Pharaoh send to help Joseph's family relocate to Egypt? How long did Joseph and all the people mourn Jacob's death? IDEAS FOR USE šŸ’” Bible Quiz for Families Bible Quiz for Kids Bible Trivia for Kids Bible Quiz for Teens Bible Quiz for Adults Bible Quiz for Sunday School Bible Quiz KJV Youth Group Games Bible Trivia Games for Groups Bible Trivia Game Show Christian General Knowledge Questions Bible Theology Study Cartoon Bible Story BIBLE VERSION šŸ“– Bible quiz questions and answers are sourced from the King James Version (KJV). Bible quiz King James Version HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN šŸ‘‘ Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā THISĀ isĀ HowĀ toĀ GetĀ toĀ HeavenĀ šŸ™šŸ»Ā ā€“Ā Car...Ā Ā  #bible #biblequiz #biblestudy #bibletrivia #bibleverse #games #church #christian #youthministry #kidsministry #quiz