DuPage AME Church 💜✝️💜 Ash Wednesday Service, February 17, 2021 - 7 pm CST

DuPage AME Church 💜✝️💜 Ash Wednesday Service, February 17, 2021 - 7 pm CST

“Moses was there with God forty days and forty nights. He didn’t eat any food; he didn’t drink any water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words. ~Exodus 34:28 #DuPageAMEC​ 🙌🏽 #IAmAME​ 🙌🏽 #DuPageNation​ 💖🖤💚 ✝️ Visit us on-line: http://www.dupageamec.org/​ ✝️ Looking for a church home: https://bit.ly/JoinDuPageAMEC​ ✝️ Partner with us in ministry: CashApp = $DuPageAMEC https://my.simplegive.com/App/Giving/... ✝️ Please subscribe:    / dupageamechurch​   ✝️ Follow us:   / ​   ✝️ Copyright License #20064293​ Streaming License #20064302​ [Streaming via CCLI license- we do not own the © to the worship music ministered ] === DuPage AME Church 4300 Yackley Avenue Lisle, IL 60532 630-969-9800 [email protected] www.DuPageAMEC.org www.facebook.com/DuPageAMEC    / dupageamechurch​   IG: @dupageamec Rev. Dr. James F. Miller, Senior Pastor Rev. Lana Parks Miller, Executive Pastor