daly prayer 🙏✝️🛐Morning Prayer Before You Start Your Day | A Daily Effective Prayer

daly prayer 🙏✝️🛐Morning Prayer Before You Start Your Day | A Daily Effective Prayer

Morning Prayer Before You Start Your Day | A Daily Effective Prayer This is simply a video I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. You can adjust the speed of the video in the playback settings. All I ask you to do is to agree with me as I pray and we seek our Heavenly Father. Please continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself. Speak it daily or listen to this video over and over again and allow the Word of God concerning this prayer before you start your day to reach deep into your spirit. Prayer changes everything. God bless you! • Daniel (Channel Creator) Watch More Daily Morning Prayers Below: Prayer To Outlast The Odds & Win The Battle Set Against You | Motivational Battle Prayer Prayer To Outlast The Prayer To Be Prepared For The Judgment Seat Of Christ | Be Ready To Look Into The Eyes Of Jesus Video Powerful Protection Prayer For Children In School | Prayer For School, Teachers, Parents Powerful Protection Pr... Copyright DailyEffective Prayer.com Early Morning Prayer For First Thing In The Morning Daily Morning Prayer Starting Your Day With God • Morning Prayer Before ... #morningprayer #morningprayerworship #morningprayerstartingthedaywithgod #prayerformorning #dailyprayers #morningprayers #dailyeffectiveprayer #dailyprayer 00:00 A morning prayer before you start your day. 00:39 Seek God first at the beginning of the day. 00:53 Ask the Holy Spirit for courage and boldness. 00:58 Enter God's presence and bask in fellowship with Him. 01:04 In God's presence in the morning there is fullness of joy. 01:09 Ask God for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding you need. 01:15 Commit to morning prayer to God. 01:24 Fresh knowledge and power are yours. 01:36 Protection, favor, and miracles are yours. 01:53 Seek God and His Word before anything else. 02:03 Morning prayers teach you many things. 02:10 Let the Holy Spirit guide you. 02:21 Walk in God's will all day long. 02:28 Prayer in the morning brings divine wisdom. 02:39 Your relationship with God is blessed. 02:57 In Jesus Name, amen. #morningprayerworship #dailyprayers #morningprayers #dailyeffectiveprayer #dailyprayer