Beautiful Arpeggio Patterns for Beginners (Easy!!)
Today’s video we’ll cover some Simple-Yet-Beautiful Arpeggio Patterns that any piano beginner could learn in a week or less. It’s one of those things that’s pretty easy, but LOOKS impressive and makes you sound pro to your friends and family. And better yet, once you learn this ONE pattern - as you’ll see in the video you can easily play the SAME pattern with different STARTING NOTES to give you a whole palette of colors to play with. Here’s what we’ll cover: 00:00 Intro 00:35 The Arpeggio Pattern Step-By-Step 02:31 Easy Add-Ons to Spice it Up 03:09 Playing the SAME Pattern Over Different Chords 04:32 Simple “Crossover Trick” to Make You Look PRO 06:04 4-Step Process to Getting This SMOOTH and EVEN Make sure you stick around to the end - we’ll cover the systematic process to getting that smooth, even, effortless tone that really makes these patterns sound beautiful and romantic. Oh, and btw if you’re a complete beginner, no worries, it’s specifically designed for beginners, and we take absolute baby steps tot make sure you’ll get it frustration-free. And here’s the link to the next video in this series - the Steam Iron Method: • How To Build Piano Speed FAST (Just P... Happy practicing! -Zach OTHER HELPFUL LESSONS: 1. Learn 4 Chords & Quickly Play 100’s of Songs (Beginner) • Learn 4 Chords - Quickly Play Hundred... 2. Create Emotion With Just 4 Notes (Beginner) • These 4 Piano Notes Make Them SWOON E... 3. BADASS Dark Chord Progression You Can Use Today (Advanced) • BADASS Dark Piano Chord Progression Y... Subscribe here: / @becomeapianosuperhuman6765 Or connect with me here: Facebook: / pianosuperhuman Instagram: / piano_superhuman Watch me play piano at my other YouTube channel here: / keystroke3 Thanks for watching and subscribe if you want more online piano lessons and tutorials! -Zach Evans