What happens to your body when you start taking Omega-3 every day for 30 days?
What happens to your body when you start taking Omega-3 every day for 30 days? (benefits and risks of fish oil) 💕💕SIGN UP: https://bit.ly/2IUdn43 ✅ SHARE the video on WHATSAPP and let's help more people! 0:00- What happens to your body when you start taking Omega-3 every day for 30 days? 1:29- What happens to your body when you start taking Omega-3 every day for 30 days? 1:38- Do you consume enough omega-3 in your diet? 2:54- Why is there an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 in the current diet? 4:41- What are the 7 health benefits of omega-3? 4:45- 7th benefit of omega 3 for your body: it can help your eyes 5:42- 6th benefit of taking omega-3 every day: helps your brain 7:14- 5th health benefit of omega 3: can reduce blood triglycerides 7:58- 4th benefit of omega 3 for your body: it can reduce inflammation 8:28- 3rd benefit of taking omega-3 every day: reduces blood pressure 8:59- 2nd health benefit of omega 3: it can improve your skin 9:39- 1st benefit of omega 3 for your body: it can reduce the risk of heart disease 10:10- What are the strongest omega 3s (which are not yet available for sale in Brazil? 10:40- Which is better: eating sardines or taking omega 3 capsules? 11:40- What are the risks of supplementing with fish oil and omega-3 capsules? 12:35- How do you know if an omega 3 supplement is good? How to buy right? 13:06- How many omega-3 capsules to take per day? 13:43- What are the types of omega 3 supplements? 14:01- When is the best time to take omega-3 supplements? Omega-3 consumption is very important for your body. In this video we address the real importance of increasing the consumption of omega 3 for our health, as our body cannot produce it, requiring dietary sources such as fish, eggs, chia seeds and flaxseed, among others. The modern diet has an imbalance in omega-3/omega-6 intake, increasing inflammation and other diseases such as depression and anxiety. We need to return to the previous balance (1:1) omega 6/omega 3 ratio. In the video we also list the 7 main health benefits of omega 3: improved eye, brain and mood health, reduced triglycerides, anti-inflammatory effects, blood pressure control, skin improvements and reduced heart disease. We also discuss the risks of omega-3 supplementation, drug interactions and tips for choosing a quality supplement. As we always emphasize the importance of a balanced diet, both for the body and mind. The video is worth watching and sharing with your family and friends! - - - - - - FISH OIL RELATED VIDEOS---------- 👉 Fulminant heart attack: how does a heart attack happen? • Infarto fulminante: como acontece um ... 👉 Angioplasty with stent - • CATETERISMO e ANGIOPLASTIA COM STENT:... 👉 Life after a heart attack- • Como é a vida após um Ataque Cardíaco? 👉 7 signs of a heart attack in women- • 7 Sinais de Infarto em Mulheres (Card... 👉 Cardiac catheterization- • CATETERISMO CARDÍACO: Tudo o que você... 👉 Heart attack sign (Frank sign)- • SINAL DE ATAQUE CARDÍACO? PRESTE ATEN... 👉 Symptoms of heart attack in women- • SINTOMAS DE INFARTO EM MULHERES | Car... - - - - - - Videos Related to omega-3-------------- Glaucoma- • GLAUCOMA: o que é e quais os seus sin... Mediterranean Diet- • Video Stop Snoring- • COMO PARAR DE RONCAR AGORA- só 5 MINU... Why can't I lose weight?- • POR QUE NÃO PERCO PESO? 7 erros fatai... Tips for Lowering High Blood Pressure- • PRESSÃO ALTA: Dicas para BAIXAR a Pre... How to sleep better- • COMO DORMIR RÁPIDO: Dicas para Dormir... Diet for high triglycerides - • DIETA PARA TRIGLICERÍDEOS ALTOS| Dr. ... Individuals who searched for early symptoms of dementia also searched for symptoms of Alzheimer's #Omega-3 #fishoil #Omega3 #supplements ⚠️ LEGAL NOTICE ❤️ This is a purely educational video, aiming to instruct the population on various topics involving medicine and health in general. ❤️ The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace medical consultation or serve as a recommendation for any treatment plan. If in doubt, consult your doctor. ❤️ Medicine is an ever-changing science, videos are produced based on the most recent Scientific Articles to date. 🔴 In accordance with Art. 8 of Resolution CFM 1974/11 on Advertising of the Code of Medical Ethics, videos are only intended to provide information for strictly educational purposes. 🔴 In accordance with Art. 9 of Resolution CFM 1974/11 on Advertising of the Code of Medical Ethics § 1 “E”, the address and telephone number of the office, clinic or service are not disclosed. 🎯https://cardiodf.com.br