Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Johnny Marks | Piano Tutorial (EASY) | WITH Music Sheet | JCMS

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Johnny Marks | Piano Tutorial (EASY) | WITH Music Sheet | JCMS

Welcome everyone 😎 Register a FREE account at JCMS Online Academy and get a FREE Basic Chord Chart! ➡ Purchase the Music Sheet (PDF) with lyrics on MyMusicSheet (account required): MyMusicSheet (account required): Please email us if you have difficulties in getting the music sheet ➡ [email protected] 🎹 Annual Student Pass (for FULL ACCESS TO ALL SONGS) ➡ Every month we upload 15 brand new step-by-step easy piano tutorials on JCMS Online Music Academy ➡ Please subscribe us if you like our videos! Welcome to the JCMS family :) 大家好!我们每个月将会在我们的网站上载15首新的简易版钢琴教学。 如果你喜欢我们的钢琴教学影片,请点击订阅并打开你的小铃铛! 欢迎参与我们的JCMS大家庭 :) —————————————————— Follow us 🤗 Tiktok:   / jazzclassicalmusicstudio   Instagram:   / jazzclassicalmusicstudio   Facebook:   / jazzclassicalmusicstudio   Music provided by: Jazz Classical Music Studio (JCMS) #RudolphtheRedNosedReindeer #JohnnyMarks #jcms