🔴 LIVE - S+ Professional Mode run - Resident Evil 4 Remake - PS5
Doing weekly story for #Destiny2 then hopping on RE4 Remake after to finish S+ run, hopefully on #PS5. #ResidentEvil4Remake just launched, will be attempting S+ run for unlocks. I have the intent to platinum this, as long as i'm not required to play Mercenaries. If I am, ill do all other trophies, minus that. If you are new to the channel, welcome. Feel free to like/subscribe to the channel. Faceroll the keyboard...usually works. Thank you for all the new /subs/likes! Hit that subscribe/bell button for variety gaming with everything from rpgs, fps, battle royales and everything in between. Drop a comment, would love to hear from y'all! Thanks for watching! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STREAMING DAILY ON Youtube Gaming MONDAY - FRIDAY WEEKEND MORNINGS WHEN I CAN / serrano786 -- follow on YT / serrano786 -- follow me on twitter for updates and news / serrano.786 / discord #Battlefield2042 #Endwalker #phasmophobia #AlienIsolation #aliens #AlanWakeRemastered #PS5 #ps5gaming #MetroidDread #Diablo2 #Deathloop #trialsofosiris #destiny2 #beyondlight #seasonofthelost #streamer #gaming #streaming #twitch #walkthrough #playthrough #facebookgaming #youtubegaming #steam #PCgaming #ps5