12 Foods That Reduce Your Uric Acid Levels NATURALLY

12 Foods That Reduce Your Uric Acid Levels NATURALLY

12 Foods That Reduce Your Uric Acid Levels NATURALLY If you're struggling with high uric acid levels and gout, making dietary changes can be a powerful tool in managing this painful condition. In this informative video, we'll explore 12 foods that can help lower uric acid naturally, promoting better joint health and overall well-being. ⏰TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Intro 1:46 Cherries 2:18 Strawberries 2:54 Blueberries 3:24 Celery 3:58 Spinach 4:33 Brocolli 5:08 Tomatoes 5:45 Carrots 6:16 Wheatgrass 6:57 Tart Cherries 7:31 Apple Cider Vinegar 8:01 Black Cherry Juice Disclaimer: This channel is solely for educational purposes. If you have any medical conditions, please consult your doctor for personalized advice. #loweruricacid #uricacid #arthritis