Automatic Adsense Payment pending|problem solve|Google Adsense

Automatic Adsense Payment pending|problem solve|Google Adsense

I have a small YouTube channel and from the Ads displayed on the channel, I feel lucky enough to generate some revenue. Similar might be the case for you. You might be earning revenue by blogging or publishing videos on YouTube via Google Adsense. Generally, Adsense starts to issue payments for the previous month from the 21st of the current month. And in my case, it always used to happen smoothly. Google used to send the payment on 21st or 22nd and it would arrive in my Hana bank account in a couple of days. But this time, I noticed something different! I logged into my AdSense account and went to the payments tab. It showed my payment by wire transfer (bank transfer) in pending status. #googleadsense #paymentpending #hannaahnvlogs #trendingvideo please watch πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ ▢️ How to remove Pop up ads    β€’ Remove ADS o biglaang Pop up ADS on y...