2025 2nd Midweek in Lent

2025 2nd Midweek in Lent

Lent 2 Midweek LSB Vespers p. 229 THE HAND OF THE LORD WHO CASTS OUT DEMONS March 19, 2025 6:00pm In repentance we are compelled to take sin seriously. All people have inherited sin; it is the cause of our fallen condition. Human nature was created perfect, sinless, and at one with our Creator. “I’m only human” does not explain or excuse sin. When we seek where this deadly infection originated, we are directed by God’s Word to the reality of the fallen angel Satan and his minions. Satan is real. Temptation is real. Demonic activity is rampant and powerful. True repentance and faith require us first to admit that we are powerless on our own to defeat the devil. His grasp is too much for us. Faith then looks to our Lord, who took sin and Satan seriously for us. By the bloody battle He waged on the cross, He has defeated the old evil foe for us. With His victory at hand, given to us by the hand of His ministers in Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion, our hands are empowered now to wield the instrument of prayer. In that victory, we have the sure deliverance and salvation of the Crucified One, now risen and ascended and ruling for us from the right hand of the Father. OFFERINGS NEEDED TO SUPPORT THE MINISTRY: Weekly: $2375 Monthly:$9500 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Thank you for supporting this ministry. Donations may be made at coslcms.com or mailed to 3150 Destrehan Ave Harvey, LA 70058