Genetic Disorders | Principles of Inheritance and Variation |  NCERT | Class 12 | AC sir | NEET 2023

Genetic Disorders | Principles of Inheritance and Variation | NCERT | Class 12 | AC sir | NEET 2023

📢My Telegram Channel - About the Video - In this session, AC Sir will be teaching Genetic Disorders. This is a very important topic of NEET 2023, class 12. The name of Chapter is Principles of Inheritance and Variation. This chapter is very important for NEET 2023. We come live daily at 8:00 PM. Hope you to be on time. A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes, the structures that carry genes). Beyond Equations | NEET 2023 | trarget 360 | NEET | NEET Exam | NEET Preparation | Biology Class 12 | Class 11 Biology | AC sir | SC sir Biology | AC sir Zoology | AC sir NEET |Zoology | NEET Biology crash course | NEET 2023 Crash Course | Genetic Disorders | Principles of Inheritance and Variation | NEET Live classes Like if you love the content and Subscribe, stay tuned. God bless You.❤️ #NEET2023 #live #Biologycrashcourse #Genetic Disorders #NEET2023 #acsir #neetmotivation #beyondequations Topics Covered in this Video - Introduction Genetic Disorders most common Genetic disorders Mendelian Disorder Chromosomal Disorder Multifactorial Genetic Inheritance Mitochondrial Inheritance List of Genetic Disorders Cystic fibrosis Thalassemia Huntington’s disease Hemochromatosis Turner’s syndrome Kleinfelter’s syndrome Leber’s Hereditary Optic Atrophy Cancer High Blood Pressure Obesity NEET PYQ NCERT Questions on Genetic Disorders genetic disorders,genetic disorders neet one shot,genetic disorders neet 2023,genetic disorders class 12,neet biology,principles of inheritance and variation,genetic diseases,unacademy neet,genetics,principles of inheritance and variation class 12,biology,neet,neet exam,principles of inheritance & variation,cystic fibrosis,neet 2023,principles of inheritance and variations,neet 2022,sickle cell anemia,class 12 biology,seep pahuja unacademy neet,principles of inheritance and variation neet,neet 2023 genetic disorders,principles of inheritance and variations neet 2023,principles of inheritance and variations by AC sir,class 12 biology chapter 5,NEET,ncert,down syndrome,chromosomal disorders,neet preparation,autosomal recessive,principles of inheritance and variation class 12 unacademy,genetic disorders neet