You Might Have MISSED This Invincible Easter Egg | Invincible Season 3 #invincible #comics #shorts
Invincible, Omni Man, Universa, Allen the Alien, Thadeus, Anissa, Oliver, Debbie, Atom Eve, Invincible Season 2, Invincible Season 2 Episode 5, Invincible Universe, Invincible Villains, Invincible Season 2 Episode 6, Invincible Season 2 Episode 7, Invincible Season 2 Episode 8, Invincible Season 3, Invincible Season 3 trailer, invincible season 3 leaks, invincible season 3 release date, invincible season 3 predictions, invincible season 3 leaks, invincible season 3 episode 1, invincible season 3 comic, invincible season 3 teaser, invincible season 3 theories, invincible season 3 story, invincible season 3 trailer, invincible season 3 poster, invincible season 3 episode 2, invincible season 3 episode 3, invincible season 3 comic story, invincible tv show vs comic season 3, invincible season 3 episode 2 ending, invincible season 3 episode 4 teaser, invincible season 3 episode 4 trailer, invincible season 3 episode 5, invincible season 3 rex and rae, invincible season 3 rex and ray, invincible season 3 episode 5 rex and rae date, invincible season 3 rex splode, invincible season 3 shrinking rae, invincible season 3 easter eggs Here is an Invincible Easter Egg you might have missed In Season 3 while Rex is flirting with Rae at the former Teen Team’s base, he knocks on the door and leaves her a blue envelope with his writing that says To Rae, but above that, crossed out is Ray, just spelt differently This was probably just a funny mistake that Rex made but another layer to this is that it is a reference to the comics, where Shrinking Rae’s character is a man and his name is spelt Shrinking Ray Unfortunately he is kind of a joke character that appears in probably five panels in the entire comics, gets eaten by Komodo Dragon and is never heard from again INVINCIBLE is an adult animated superhero series that revolves around 17-year-old Mark Grayson, who’s just like every other guy his age — except his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet, Omni-Man. But as Mark develops powers of his own, he discovers his father’s legacy may not be as heroic as it seems. After an earth-shattering betrayal, Mark fights to rebuild his life. In the face of apocalyptic threats, he discovers new allies and wrestles with his greatest fear - that he might become his father. In this special prequel episode, Samantha Eve Wilkins, aka Atom Eve, grows up out of place in her own family. When someone from her past re-enters her life, she discovers her tragic backstory and the origin and true potential of her powers. Rex Splode, Robot, Monster Girl, Cecil Stedman, Thragg, Battle Beast, Conquest, Invincible Angstrom Levy, Allen the Alien, Invincible Season 1, Invincible Season 2, Invincible Season 2 Part 1, Invincible Season 2 Part 2, Comic Books, Evil Mark Invincible, Invincible Multiverse, Mark Grayson, Invincible Blue Suit, Robert Kirkman, Comics Explained, invincible season 2 reaction, invincible season 2 explained #invincibleseason3 #invincibleseason3trailer #comicbooks #comicexplained #markgrayson #omniman #conquest #anissa #invincibleseason2part2trailer #invincibleseason2part2 #invinciblepopsmoke #invincibleandomnimanvsviltrumites #invincibleandatomeve #invincibleandomniman #invincibleandeve #invincibleandspiderman #invincibleandatomevegettogether #robertkirkman #comics #shorts