Ascending & Descending Tracts of spinal cord
The Ascending and Descending tracts are the bundle of nerve fibers within the spinal cord, theses tracts connect between the different parts of the brain and spinal cord these tracts are the pathway of sensory and motor impulses. They transport impulses from peripheral to centre and centre to peripheral, The ascending tracts like Anterior spinothalamic tract (crossed tract) & Lateral spinothalamic (crossed tract) these are related with Simple touch and pressure, Pain and temperature. Fasciculus Gracilis (uncrossed) (concerned with impulses from the leg and lower part of trunk) and Proprioceptive sense of impulses from muscles, tendons, and joints to the cerebral cortex. Fasciculus Cuneatus (uncrossed ) (concerned with impulses from the Vibration sense). Fine touch, tactile localization and discrimination upper part of trunk, arm and neck). similarly the Descending tracts like Corticospinal – Crossed & Corticospinal – Uncrossed (Pyramidal tract), Motor area – Controls voluntary Movements. Rubrospinal tract – (Crossed) – Red nucleus of – Facilitatory influence on mid brain flexor muscle tone, Posture. Reticulospinal Medial (Uncrossed) Lateral (Both crossed and uncrossed ) Brain stem reticular formation – Action on voluntary movements And muscle tone. Vestibulospinal – (Uncrossed) – lateral vestibular nucleus of medulla oblongata – Controls body equilibrium. Tectospinal – (Crossed) – Superior colliculus – Spinovisual reflexes. Explained by Dr. G.M Kanthi. BS A M; D.H.A; Ph. D. Contact - +91-9448888378/8310204153 Website - http://drkanthiacademy.com/ Email- [email protected]