This 2200 Year Old Scroll Proves Jesus is GOD!

This 2200 Year Old Scroll Proves Jesus is GOD!

Uncover the mysteries of the Isaiah Scroll, a key piece of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran, which predates Jesus Christ by hundreds of years. This video delves deep into Isaiah 53, the chapter known as the prophecy of the "Suffering Servant," and draws remarkable connections between the ancient predictions and the life events of Jesus. We explore how this scroll, written long before Jesus' birth, details his ministry, suffering, and resurrection with striking accuracy. By integrating biblical prophecy with evidence from non-Christian sources like Roman historians, this presentation not only strengthens the case for Jesus as the Messiah but also enhances our understanding of the historical Jesus. Join us as we examine how ancient texts affirm the divine nature of Jesus and reinforce the foundations of Christian faith through prophecy fulfilled.