Sevanthi - Best Scenes | Full EP free on SUN NXT | 22 Dec 2022 | Kannada Serial | Udaya TV
Watch the Best Scene of the Popular Kannada Serial Sevanthi that airs on Udaya TV. Watch all Sun TV Serials FREE on SUN NXT App. Offer valid only in India till 31st December 2022. Download here: Android - http://bit.ly/SunNxtAdroid iOS: India - http://bit.ly/sunNXT Watch on the web - https://www.sunnxt.com/ #Sevanthi #SevanthiBestScenes #UdayaTV Sevanthi is daily family entertainment serial in Udaya TV. Arjun and Anuradha both are grandchildren of Pramoda Devi. The family is wanting the duo to get hitched and their closeness has generated such emotion in the hearts of family members. However, because of tragedy befell on family of Anuradha, She end up growing as Sevanthi at an Ashram (orphanage) run by Shantamurthy. The Ashram one day lands in trouble as Sakshi, hailingfrom an elite family conspires to take over. To safeguard the ashram, Sevanthi approaches Arjun. The popular advocate Arjun put pre-condition of contractual marriage with her, only if Sevanthi agrees to that, he says, he will protect the Ashram. What would happen if a boy who has no belief in relationship and love marries a girl who lives breathing love and care is the knot of the tale. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to Udaya TV YouTube channel - http://bit.ly/2XSQXD1 To watch the full episodes of our Latest Kannada Serials: Nayana Thara - https://bit.ly/NayanaTharaKanyaadana - https://bit.ly/3t6JpyN Nethravathi - https://bit.ly/3hoTIJM Sundari - https://bit.ly/3tRLSuR Gowripurada Gayyaligalu - https://bit.ly/3odyn7d Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to Udaya TV YouTube channel - http://bit.ly/2XSQXD1 _Click the BELL ICON to get alerts for every release_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download SunNXT here: Android: http://bit.ly/SunNxtAdroid iOS: India - http://bit.ly/sunNXT iOS Rest of the World - http://bit.ly/ussunnxt Watch on the web - https://www.sunnxt.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Us for More Latest Updates: Facebook: / udayatelevision Twitter: / udayatv Instagram: / udayatv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #UdayaTVSerial#SunNXT #UdayaTV #UdayaTVProgram #UdayaTVPromo #UdayaTVOfficial #MadhumagaluSerial #SundariSerial #KasturiNivasaSerial #NethravathiSerial #NayanaTharaSerial #GowripuradaGayyaligaluSerial