Cookies and Cream High Protein Ice cream Recipe

Cookies and Cream High Protein Ice cream Recipe

Cookies and Cream High Protein Ice cream Recipe This recipe will change your life forever, Ice cream that is made with whey protein powder, milk, ice, Oreos, and everything nice. Song Eva – It Still Hurts (I Just Don't Know Why):    • EVA – It Still Hurts (I Just Don't Kn...   License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - Clips from Tropic Thunder The Visit Batman and Robin Epic Rap battle of history Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters Recipe 2 scoops of cookies and cream protein powder ON Nutrition 1/4 a cup of whole milk, almond milk or half and half spinkle of Xanthium Gum (optional) sprinkle of any sweetener (optional) equal parts ice to liquid ratio 2 reduced fat oreos then you can eat or place in the freezer for a couple hours I realized after filming that pouring the concoction into a sandwich size Tupperware with a top allows it to freeze much faster and consistently. Recipe for the Ice cream in thumbnail and at the end of the video Made this the next day Everything is the same but I used the half and half and 1 extra Oreo and used the Tupperware to freeze, this version almost literally tastes like the real thing just 50 extra calories