How to Buy 5 Rental Properties in 5 Years (With Only 5% Down)

How to Buy 5 Rental Properties in 5 Years (With Only 5% Down)

Join BiggerPockets for FREE 👇 Get Started with Ashley’s Book “Real Estate Rookie”: Sign Up for the Real Estate Rookie Newsletter: Find Investor-Friendly Lenders: Fannie Mae Rolls Out 5% Down Payment Program for Multifamily Properties—Here’s What You Need to Know: Connect with Ashley: In this video, Ashley breaks down a savvy strategy to buy five rental properties in five years with just five percent down. This is one of the fastest (and easiest) ways to build a million-dollar or multimillion-dollar rental property portfolio while NOT having as much risk as those who go out and buy dozens of rentals in their first year or two of investing. This is also one of the most affordable ways to start investing, requiring just five percent down instead of the usual 20%-25% for investors. So, how do you use the five/five/five strategy, and how much cash flow will you make after getting your first rental? Ashley is walking through every single step you need to take and the math to show you that cash flow AND appreciation are more than possible with this strategy. If you’re ready to build your real estate portfolio, this is one of the BEST strategies to start with. Would you try the five/five/five strategy to build your rental portfolio? Let us know in the comments below!