Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, November 7, 2021

Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, November 7, 2021

1 Kings 17:8-16 Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 St. Paul's Anglican Church in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Welcome! We are Called at St. Paul’s to receive and share God’s accepting Grace, challenging Wisdom, and transforming Love. Attending to the practice of our faith, we strive to honor the people of our larger community, making a useful difference in Christ’s Name. Visit our Website: and follow us on Facebook: Address: ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Calzada del Cardo #6 San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato, 37700 Mexico Phone 415.121.3424 Email: [email protected] SUNDAY 8:30 AM- Holy Eucharist (Inside Sanctuary Maximum 25 Persons) SUNDAY 10:00AM- Mass on the Grass (Maximum 65 Persons ) Morning Prayer 9:15AM- Monday, Tuesday and Friday (Maximum 20 Persons) Noon Holy Eucharist- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12 PM Holy Eucharist / Misa (Maximum 25 Persons) The Reverend Canon George F. Woodward III; Rector The Reverend Karen O'Malia; Assisting The Reverend Dr. Jeff Sells; Assisting The Reverend William McCord Thigpen; Assisting The Reverend Dr. Ernest Townsend; Assisting