Daily Live Holy Mass | Wed 4th August 2021, at 6.30 am Mass | St. Joseph Church, Mira Road

Daily Live Holy Mass | Wed 4th August 2021, at 6.30 am Mass | St. Joseph Church, Mira Road

Daily Live Holy Mass at 6.30am, 4th August 2021 Wednesday of the 18th week in Ordinary Time, Lit Yr 1 | Feast Memorial of St. John Marie Baptist Vianney - Patron of our Holy Priests | Begins with Mass Intentions at 6.25 am | Holy Eucharist at 6.30 am | Followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. READINGS OF THE DAY: Numbers 13:1-5,25-14:1,26-29,34-35; Psalms 106:6-7abc,13-14,21-22,23; Matthew 15:21-28. Psalms Resp: O Lord, remember me out of the love You have for Your people. Alleluia, Alleluia! By His own choice the Father made us His children by the message of truth, so that we should be a sort of first-fruits of al that He created. Alleluia!