Make Your iPhone Videos Sound Great! | Sennheiser USB-C Lav Mic
Overview of using the Sennheiser USB-C Lav Mic with an iPhone 15. ▶︎ FEATURED: Sennheiser USB-C Mic Kit https://geni.us/uf9b8 (Amazon) MKE 400 https://geni.us/mYRIAG7 MKE 200 https://geni.us/r1CA5 LEARN MOBILE FILMMAKING! ▶︎ Complete Guide to the Blackmagic App https://geni.us/BlackmagicCamCourse ▶︎ Smartphone Cinematography 101 (SAVE 10%): http://bit.ly/SmartCineSave10 ▶︎ The DIY Short Film Guide https://geni.us/DIYShortFilmGuide ▶︎ Complete Guide To Smartphone Audio: https://bit.ly/SmartAudioGuide ▶︎ LumaFusion Color Grading 101: http://bit.ly/LumaFusionColor101 🎥 Making movies with an iPhone? Check out our LUT Packs! https://geni.us/iPhoneLUTs ▶︎ MUSIC We Use (get 2 months free): https://goo.gl/RcMx4N ▶︎ EDITED with Adobe Premiere Pro https://geni.us/E1XrVk ▶︎ FAVORITE Apps & Gear: Blackmagic Cam (camera app) https://apple.co/3NQ4doM LumaFusion (editing app) on iOS: https://apple.co/2zL3sJW Smartphone Gimbal https://geni.us/BaAGD Hybrid Gimbal https://geni.us/NmUCxt Universal Camera Cage/Grip https://geni.us/QdB1 Tripod Mount https://geni.us/v3pto Mini Tripod https://geni.us/DbUyG Bendy Tripod https://geni.us/of3vKAt Battery Pack https://geni.us/NSmbd Small LED Light https://geni.us/EVZoEA Camera Mount Mic https://geni.us/df8Tcb8 Moment Lenses https://geni.us/ShopMomentLenses Anamorphic Lens http://bit.ly/ShopMoondog Sandmarc ND Filters/Lenses http://bit.ly/ShopSandmarc Need more smartphone filmmaking gear ideas? https://www.iphoneographers.tv/apps-gear ▶︎ JOIN this channel to support it and access cool perks: / @iphoneographers ▶︎ CONNECT: / ifilmmakers / watchifilmmakers / iphoneographers ▶︎ SUBSCRIBE & listen to my PODCAST http://bit.ly/AlmostProPodcast If you’re new to the channel it's all about taking mobile & DIY filmmaking to the next level. I share tools, tips & techniques to empower indie filmmakers, YouTube creators, mobile journalists and really anyone who wants to create better videos and movies. I primarily use iOS devices - but most of the tips will work with any smartphone - so if you're an Android user there's plenty of good info here for you, too! :) Disclaimer: We use affiliate links from Amazon, B&H and more. As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, which helps support our channel - and it costs you nothing extra. #iphone #filmmaking #audio Thanks for watching! ©2024 Splashbox Studios