My #1 Settings for Movement + Aim in Warzone 👑 (PC/PS5/XBOX)

My #1 Settings for Movement + Aim in Warzone 👑 (PC/PS5/XBOX)

my best settings for movement + aim in warzone 👑 (PC/PS5/XBOX) In this video i show you guys how to get better aim and movement in warzone and how to become a better player by just using the right settings. Twitch -   / chqserwz   TikTok -   / chqser.cod   Instagram -   / chqserwz   Discord -   / discord   Twitter - Contact - [email protected] #warzone #rebirth #cod #gaming #callofduty #blackops6 #bo6 #rebirthisland #battleroyale Related Goats (Check them out): Shoa, parallel tonyhawk, Strahfe BearPig, BabyDillster, Futives, Faze Booya, LuckyChamu, Exoghost, StephGlizzy, Movemental, Handler, Swagg, SeeK, Strahfe, Marathon, Klubo, Kxpture, Tctekk, exzachtt, Nahv, MuTeX, Aydan, chqser, JoeWo, Faze Nio, Biffle, DiazBiffle, Galex, Metaphor, bunze, LuckyChamu, Huskerrs, Zurly, Dieow, itsdiverse, JKucci, Zyro, Ksubii, Xclusive, Rushhh and many more.