WWI: A Brief History of World War I in Hindi | प्रथम विश्व युद्ध का पूरा इतिहास

WWI: A Brief History of World War I in Hindi | प्रथम विश्व युद्ध का पूरा इतिहास

In this video we will talk about World War 1 complete history from the beginning to the end, how ww1 started? Who started ww1? Which countries involved in ww1? and what are the reasons for their involvement? how many new countries were formed after ww1? What was the role of our India in ww1? You will know a lot more about this in this video, I have covered almost the entire history of World War 1 in this video. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by Gavrilo Princip(Black hand Group) in the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, on 28 June 1914 was a defining moment. This event was the culmination of a number of historical forces and processes that had been simmering in Europe for many years. Some factors behind the outbreak of World War 1: -Nationalism -Imperialism -The European alliances -European balance of power -Secret treaty -Triple alliance Treaty (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) -Triple entente Treaty (France, Britain and Russia) -Militarism -Industrial and trade competition -Newspaper -lack of international institutions -kaiser wilhelm 2 Consequences of the first world war: -Treaty of versailles -Treaty of Saint-German -treaty of sevres -Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland emerge as independent countries -14 point letter by US President Woodrow Wilson -Establishment of League of Nations -End of imperialism -Europe's influence on world politics weakens -America as a Super Power -Seeds of World War II -Economic Crisis -Improving the status of women -Technological Improvement