The Insane Animals Nature Created

The Insane Animals Nature Created

Unbelievably ridiculous animals that actually exist! From creepy insects to mysterious mammals, here are some of the strangest, most ridiculous wildlife found in nature. Subscribe to Pablito’s Way Animals!    / @pablitoswayanimals6145   Here are unbelievable animals that actually exist in real life! 10 - Giant Weta A giant cricket that eats carrots? No way! That sounds more like something from a children’s cartoon than something that mother nature could actually produce. But that’s exactly what the Giant Weta is, a ridiculously big cricket that can eat vegetrables. Found in New Zealand, they’re often considered to be among the biggest insects in the world. In 2011, a park ranger named Mark Moffett found what might be the biggest living insect on this planet. While exploring a tiny island near New Zealand called Little Barrier Island, he came across a massive weta with a wingspan of seven inches that weighed 71 grams! While they once populated the New Zealand mainland, they’ve since been found on small islands such as Little Barrier. Rats that came over from Europe, brought by accident of course, nearly wiped out the Weta population entirely, to the point where they’re almost never found on the mainland anymore. 9 - Hairy Frog When you first hear the name “Hairy Frog”, you might think of a hipster dive bar that your friend’s garage bands plays at. Or maybe it sounds like some sort of twisted fairy tale for kids. But no, we’re actually talking about a real frog here. The Hairy Frog is also known as the Horror Frog, or the Wolverine Frog. Like many of the world’s most fascinating creatures, the Hairy Frog makes its home in Africa, primarily central Africa, to be a bit more specific. These things probably have one of the coolest and most bizarre defense mechanisms ever. When threatened, Hairy Frogs actually BREAK their OWN bones, and extend them through their own toe pads to fend off their enemies!!! Now how badass is that?! According to New Scientist dot com, they pull off this amazing feat by contracting a muscle that connects the bones to connective tissue. When they flex that muscle, the bones break off and jut out through the toe pads. Then they go ahead and unleash h*ll on their attacker! But obviously, they’re not too powerful for us, because apparently they make for a good snack. Hunters in places such as Cameroon are known to hunt them down with spears and knives, probably to avoid those scary claws, and sell them. Those who eat them, like to roast them and have them served up as a snack or h'orderve. But still, these horror frogs, wolverine frogs, hairy frogs, or whatever nickname you wanna give them, aren’t to be messed with. 8 - Panda Ant Pandas and ants don’t have all that much in common, so the name is kinda interesting. But the truth is, they aren’t even technically ants. They’re actually a member of the wasp family. And by that I mean the winged creatures that have a painful sting. Not the rich family down the street who drive a Lexus and hang out at the country club. Anyway, Panda Ants are some feisty SOB’s that can inflict a SUPER painful sting. Growing up to 8 millimeters in length, they have such a powerful sting, they’ve been known to take out cows and other creatures that are infinitely bigger than they are. In fact, they’ve even garnered a pretty morbid nickname. The cow killer. Found mostly in the Southwestern United States and Mexico, Panda Ants aren’t known for being all that aggressive, so that’s good for us at least. You’d still want to avoid them though, since they WILL sting when threatened and if they can take out a cow, then we’re probably no match for them. Their stings rank as a 3 out of 4 on the Schmidt Pain Index, which roughly translates to “painful as f*ck”!