How To Get Your Ex Back | The Only Way That Works | Hindi

How To Get Your Ex Back | The Only Way That Works | Hindi

🔴 [LIVE Workshop]: Learn the 5 Step System to Get a Girlfriend in 2025: 📞 Are you a working professional/entrepreneur looking to get good with girls? Apply for Mentorship 2.0: 💑 Learn How To Talk to Your Crush, and What Gets Women Attracted: https://attraction.ironmanlifestyle.c... ================================= 😣😣 How To Get Your Ex Back 💔 💔 Today, we are talking about something that a lot of people ask. "How To Get Your Ex Back?" Before that, let me ask you this - Are you still obsessed with your ex? It's been months since she has left you, Probably she is dating someone else now, But you are still not over her? I know the first few months are difficult to get over a break-up, But if it has been over a year, you need to move on. Maybe you feel that she was the one, The love of your life, your soulmate. You feel like you will never have a similar amazing relationship again. But remember, for whatever reason, you broke up. And it was not as perfect as you think it is. You need to move on! If this sounds familiar at all, then this video is for you. Today, I am sharing how to get your ex back. But first, here's a little disclaimer. Disclaimer: There is only one way to get your ex back. Most of the time, men don't get their exes back. But this guide will help you move on and enjoy a better life than ever. The first thing you need to address is why did you break up? Maybe she was cheating on you? Or maybe she stopped finding you attractive anymore. Or maybe there was no spark left between you two. Probably there was no ambition and drive left in you, so she left. Whatever may be the reason, you need to look back and realize why it was not so 'perfect' after all and what you could have done better. Now, if you truly want to get her back. There is only one way, and it is complicated to get her back. But here's what you should do - Make yourself scarce Stop calling her, stop texting her, remove her from your social media and stop stalking her. The next step is important. You need to work on yourself and become the best version of yourself. There is a 6 step guide for that: #1 Work on your physique Go to the gym, exercise, and become hotter than ever. If a gym is not your thing, play some sport. #2 Mental wellbeing Take some time out every day to meditate and calm your mind. #3 Work on your hobby Find that one hobby that you absolutely love. Start investing your time in that - it may be singing, dancing, playing instruments, sketching. It could be anything. The video talks about these 6 steps, why they matter, and what you need to do. And I also talk about how your life will be better than ever after you have worked on yourself. So make sure that you watch the complete video. If you follow the steps I've talked about today, they can be life-changing. Love, Kshitij 💖 =================================== 📌📌 Follow me on Instagram for regular videos/updates:   / kshitijsehrawat   🎧MUSIC: ►► PRFCT - Fly With You: Get in touch: 💻Website► 📧Email ► [email protected] =================================== ►► DISCLAIMER: The viewer is advised that any advice, content, or teaching of Kshitij Sehrawat / Iron Man Lifestyle shall be used at his own peril. Kshitij Sehrawat/ Iron Man Lifestyle does not teach any person to disobey any law of India. The viewer is advised to read and understand the laws pertaining to the protection of women in India, including under the Indian Penal Code, Information Technology Act, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, and various Fundamental Rights of Privacy under the Constitution. However, Kshitij Sehrawat/ Iron Man Lifestyle does not assume any legal responsibility for any advice, content, or teaching. I started this channel and my coaching to help shy men overcome their inhibitions to be able to talk to women and have meaningful consensual relationships. Consent is very important, and if the person in front of you does not feel comfortable, and expresses the same either by actions, words, or gestures, you should immediately back off and leave the conversation.