FIRST TIME WATCHING: Dredd (2012) - REACTION (Movie Commentary)

FIRST TIME WATCHING: Dredd (2012) - REACTION (Movie Commentary)

Mega City One is a vast, violent metropolis where felons rule the streets. The only law lies with cops called "judges," who act as judge, jury and executioner, and Dredd (Karl Urban) is one of the city's most feared. One day, Dredd is partnered with Cassandra (Olivia Thirlby), a rookie with powerful psychic abilities. A report of a terrible crime sends Dredd and Cassandra to a dangerous area controlled by Ma-Ma (Lena Headey), a drug lord who will stop at nothing to protect her empire. Release date: September 21, 2012 (USA) Director: Pete Travis Starring: Karl Urban; Olivia Thirlby; Wood Harris; Lena Headey Box office: $41.5 million Distributed by: Lionsgate, United International Pictures, Entertainment Film Distributors SUPPORT ME ON PATREON -   / popcornreactions   Follow Me On Social Media.... INSTAGRAM:   / popcornreac.  .   / showdownbeatz     / popcornaction #movie #reaction, #dredd, #reaction, #first #time #watching, #movie #reactions, #dredd #movie #reaction, #judge #dredd, #dredd #2012, #commentary, #first #time #watching #dredd, #judge #dredd #reaction, #dredd #movie, #first #time #reaction, #movie #commentary, #movie #reaction #first #time, #karl #urban, #reactions, #movie #review, #lena #headey, #dredd #react, #movie #reaction #first #time #watching, #dredd #first #time #watching, #movie #reaction #dredd, #funny #movie #reactions, #film #reaction, #film #review, #dredd #review, #first #time #watching #movie #reaction, #television, #urban, #action, #react #to, #filmmaker #reacts #to, #filmmaker #reacts, #funny #commentary, #netflix #reaction, #videography, #directing, #jamesvscinema, #best #netflix #movies #2020, #talk #show, #react, #reacting, #commentate, #film #commentary, #cinema #rules, #cinema, #horror, #funny, #movie #reaction #videos, #movie #reaction #channels, #movie #reactions #2021, #brandon #likes #movies, #dredd #movie #review, #olivia #thirlby, #action #movie #reaction, #you #me #and #the #movies, #you #me #the #movies, #ymtm, #youmethemovies, #you #me #& #the #movies, #judge #dredd #movie #reaction, #nikki #steven, #nikki #steven #react, #nikki #and #steven, #nikki #and #steven #react, #nikki #& #steven, #nikki #& #steven #react, #judge #dredd #1995, #1995, #2012, #reviews, #show #reactions, #film, #video #games, #stalone, #comic #book, #bad #ass, #superhero, #cop, #mcu, #dceu, #react #to #dredd, #reacting #to #dredd, #sci-fi #action #movie, #best #scifi #movies, #filmmaker #reacts #to #dredd, #cyberpunk, #the #dick #cavett #show, #musician, #celebrities, #dick #cavett, #united #states, #chat #show, #interview, #halloween, #halloween #2018, #halloween #2018 #movie #reaction, #halloween #movie #reaction, #michael #myers, #slasher #movie, #modern #horror #movie, #modern #horror #movie #reaction, #michael #myers #reaction, #gory #movie, #jump #scares, #horror #movie, #horror #movie #reaction, #karl, #carl, #judge, #dread, #best, #first, #worst, #scenes, #the #boys, #friday #the #13th, #jason #goes #to #hell, #jason #voorhees, #body #count, #kill #count, #friday #the #thirteenth #theme #song, #john #d #lemay, #james #a. #janisse, #friday #the #13th #9, #friday #the #13th #part #9, #friday #the #thirteenth #part #3 #theme, #friday #the #13th #part #ix, #friday #the #thirteenth #game, #friday #the #13th #part #9 #intro, #friday #the #13th #part #9 #game, #friday #the #13th #part #9 #soundtrack, #dredd #trailer #reaction, #dredd #reaction #movie, #dredd #analysis, #dredd #first #time #movie #reaction, #dredd #movie #first #time #reaction, #dredd #first #time #reaction, #dredd #2012 #review, #funny #movie #reaction, #dredd #(2012) #movie #reaction #first #time #watching, #first #time, #movie #dredd #reaction, #reaction #video, #wade #west, #first #time #movie #reaction, #late #night, #seth #meyers, #nbc, #nbc #tv, #comedy, #humor, #stand-up, #parody, #snl #seth #meyers, #host, #promo, #seth, #meyers, #weekend #update, #news #satire, #satire, #monologue, #late #night #monologue, #seth #meyers #monologue, #trump #drags #biden, #falling #off, #bicycle, #former #president #trump, #cyber #security, #bills, #social #security #number, #mothers #maiden #name, #congress, #3 #month #pause, #federal #gas #tax, #reaction #channel, #reaction #channels, #fun #reaction #channel, #movie #lovers, #best #reaction #channel, #camera #phone, #video #phone, #action #movie, #gory #movie #reaction, #theterminator, #terminator, #arnold, #schwarzenegger, #arnold #schwarzenegger, #reacting #to #terminator, #reacting #to #the #terminator, #reacting #to #terminator #2, #terminator #reaction, #movie #reaction #channel, #terminator #2 #reaction, #react #to #terminator, #first #time #watching #terminator, #first #time #watching #the #terminator, #first #time #watching #terminator #2, #terminator #1, #react #to #terminator #1, #arnold #terminator, #dredd #film, #dredd #film #reaction, #28 #days