Map Projection and it's Types | Cylindrical, Conical and Zenithal Projection |Cartography|Urdu/Hindi
This video is about the Map projection and it's types. also it included: ~ Definition Of projection ~ History of Map projection ~ Elements of Map projection ~ Properties of Map projection ~ Types of Map Projection 1) Cylindrical, 2) Conical, 3) Zenithal Projection. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Check These Amazing informative Videos :) New updated: Thinking like a geographer • What is geography - Thinking like a G... What is glacier and it's types - formation of Glacier • What is glacier and it's types - form... Glacial Erosional and Depositional Landforms or features • Glacial Erosional and Depositional La... what is geomorphology - geomorphology - definition of geomorphology • what is geomorphology - geomorphology... Climatology - introduction to climatology - Branches of Climatology • Climatology - introduction to climato... Earth structure - 3 Layers of earth • Earth structure - 3 Layers of earth Seismic waves - Types - seismology - seismograph • Seismic waves - Types - seismology - ... Humidity - Types of Humidity - Dew point • Humidity - Types of Humidity - Dew p... Cyclones | Types of Cyclones | Formation or Effects | • Cyclones | Types of Cyclones | Format... What is Aurora and it's types, location or formation • What is Aurora and it's types, locati... soil horizons - soil horizons or Profile explained • soil horizons - soil horizons or Prof... What is Air masses & Fronts - air masses types and fronts types • Video cultural geography - what is cultural geography - definition and Its short History • cultural geography - what is cultura... Types of landforms - what are landforms? • Types of landforms - what are landforms? Elements of map - Five elements of a map that everyone should know • Elements of map - Five elements of a ... Economic Geography - what is economic geography • Economic Geography - what is economic... what is geography - thinking like a geographer - introduction of geography • what is geography - thinking like a g... travel accessories - 20 best travel accessories 2020 • travel accessories - 20 best travel a... #MapProjection #TypesOfMapProjection #geography #cartography #mapelements #geographerthinking #sabajamaldin