Shine Your Light Event

Shine Your Light Event

Join us to shine the light across the World We are shining our light out to the world and beyond Sending love and compassion to all Giving you the tools you need to navigate the future In the best possible way, on all levels in all directions On all plains of our existence, to balance, to connect, to create The power is within each and every one of us To create the world, we want to live in Time to rise above the fray and shine so bright, it reaches even the darkest corners of the world Time to take back the reins of power, Look within yourself We each have the power to create the beauty, joy, the unity in our daily lives and beyond to create the World we want to live in. Channels and Websites Links for presenters Cheri~ Trancing with Spirit ~    / @trancingwithspirit   ~Website~ Marina~ Heart Centered Tarot ~ ~    / @heartcenteredtarot   ~Website~ https://www.marinasheartcenteredtarot... Jenny ~    / @starfishjennie   Viviane~ ~    / @vivianeheller   Mary ~ Earth & Star Spiritual Wellness Center ~    / @earthandstarwellness   ~Website~ Stacey~ Sacred Keycodes~ ~    / @sacredkeycodes   ~ ~Website~ Linda G~ The Commanche Psychic ~    / @lindagthecomanchepsychic   Mel~ The Aloha Psychic ~    / @meldoerrintuitiveconsultantpsy   ~Website~ Daphne~ Relax with Daphne ~    / @relaxwithdaphne   Valerie-Dragonfly Crystals ~Dragonfly Crystals ~   / @dragonflycrystals   ~Next Level Channeling ~   / @nextlevelchanneling   ~Website~ Classes David- Tarot by the Bay ~    / @tarotbythebay   Gary~ Twin Tarot ~    / @garyanddavidtwintarot   Valerie-Illumination Portal ~    / @illuminationportal   Diana ~ Oil painter ~   / @oilpntr   ~ Contact [email protected] Terri Suzuki~ Kigaru Spiritual Journeys ~   / @kigaruspiritualjourneys-te4035   ~Website~ Jean~ Sun Psychic Jean ~   / @sunpsychicjean   ~Website~ Prisilla~ The Crone Zone, Conversations with the Ancients / TSP, LLC ~ www.twisted ~    / @thecronezone   Referenced Links ~Viviane’s Recommended Links ~ YouTube Channel Rising Higher Meditation - POWERFUL HEALING GUIDED MEDITATION - Transmute all negative energy into positive! Violet Flame    • Powerful HEALING Guided Meditation: T...   YouTube Channel Star Way Healing - 852Hz + 963Hz VIOLET FLAME MEDITATION    • Video   YouTube Channel Star Way Healing - 417Hz VIOLET FLAME MEDITATION    • Video   ~ ~Sacred Key codes healing event~ ~ ~Terri Suzuki Recommended Meditations~ Lamda Biaural Frequency    • 100 Hz - Lambda (Hyper-Gamma) | Pure ...   Hemi-synch (They are all useful but this one is one I like to use in my meditations)    • Sacred Realms with Hemi-Sync®   A general spiritual cleaning or reset from Susan Lynn    • Vessel of light meditation- making pu...   Diana Boles Sacred Space Intention In this space Shall we ignite With flint and scrap and breath The ember glows The flame grows As in tranced formation the wisdom shows In this space Shall we ignite Deep within the still Vibration of thought With frequency sought In its silence Peace is caught In this space Shall we ignite This signal to take pause This Beacon of Quickening In its Roiling Thickening As below so above in its trans-figuring In this space Shall we ignite The value of within Stand in its light With its Steady Might Allow the Formation to Begin……………