Infiltration Suits: Humane Labs and Research 💠Casino Heist Prep | GTA Online
Infiltration Suits is an optional prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. Completing this setup allows players to use the elevator shaft as an entrance to the vault as well as having night vision capabilities during the Silent & Sneaky approach. Lester informs the player that either Merryweather Security agents at Fort Zancudo or scientists at Humane Labs and Research (depending on which mission the game chooses) has infiltration equipment that can help infiltrate the casino. Once at the location, the player can either utilise stealth or kill the enemies to get to the lockup. To open the garage doors, the player needs to hack the security panel to get inside and steal the suits. As soon as the panel is hacked, the enemies will be alerted. Two bags need to be stolen from inside, and after players lose their three-star wanted level and deliver the suits to their Arcade, the mission is complete. Ah, Humane Labs. To some, an impenetrable blacksite for ethically dubious research. To us, a 24/7 convenience store, freshly stocked with stealth equipment, night vision goggles and noiseless covert rappelling gear. Oh, and we might need that last one if the casino elevator's busy. So, head over there. I'll be in touch. #GrannyTheftAuto has passed a Billion and is now a Billionairess, she has no need to retire at the moment... Subscribe to follow her for all about pension funds... Like and subscribe to keep me motivated to make more content. Beer is expensive where I live (about 10 USD/€ a unit out on cheap place in town): https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... Or you can just buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GrannyTh...