DBA -Roles and Responsibilities | DBMS Tutorial in Hindi

DBA -Roles and Responsibilities | DBMS Tutorial in Hindi

DBA stand for database administrator is a person in organisation who had center control over the database management system. DBA is responsible for monitoring ,setting permission, setting accessibility, setting backup and recovery plan, setting security over the database management system and also responsible for database design. Roles and Responsibilities- 1.Software Installation and Maintenance A DBA is frequently involved in the initial installation and configuration of a new Oracle, SQL Server, or other databases. The system administrator configures the database server’s hardware and implements the operating system, after which the DBA installs and configures the database software. The DBA is in charge of ongoing maintenance, such as updates and patches. 2.Schema Definition-the DBA is also responsible for designing the database or we can say designing the structure or schema of the database 3. Monitoring Database-the DBA is responsible for monitoring the performance of database. 4.Database Security-the DBA ensure the security features in database for securing the data of the organisation. 5.Database Access Permission-the DBA set the access permission to various users to show the part of data from the database. 6.Managing Data Integrity-the DBA sets various integrity constraints over the database like employee age should not be less than 18 years etc for maintaining consistency in data 7.Capacity Planning-DBA has capability for making plan over the growth of organisation for the database management system. #dbmstutorial #Hindi In this video we will see the main differences between DBMS and RDBMS. Watch the video talent with example of DBMS and RDBMS and notes. Like ..Share ...Subscribe... Subscribe our channel for more Videos and Hit the👍🏻 ............................................ Telegram- (Zeenat Hasan Academy) https://t.me/zeenathasanacademy ............................................. Instagram- (zeenat_hasan_official)   / zeenat_hasan_official   ............................................................ Facebook Page- (Zeenat Hasan Computer's Subject Learning)   / zeenat-hasan-computers-subject-learning-22...   ........................................ Twitter- (Zeenat Hasan 4) https://twitter.com/Zeenathasan4?s=09 -------------------------------------- ,👉DBMS Full Course:    • DBMS Tutorial in Hindi   👉Python for Beginners Full Course    • Python Tutorial in Hindi   👉Digital Electronics (COA) Full Course    • Binary, Decimal,Octal, Hexadecimal Co...   👉C Programming full course    • C PROGRAMMING Full Course   👉 JAVA Theory lecture    • INTRODUCTION TO  JAVA  IN HINDI | Zee...   JAVA practical    • SET PATH IN JAVA IN HINDI|HOW TO RUN ...   👉playlist of oops concept    • Object Oriented Programming Paradigm ...   👉click on following for complete 'C' tutorial in Hindi https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 👉Click on following for Complete C++ PROGRAMMING:    • C++  PROGRAMMING   👉Click on following for Computer Graphics Tutorial in Hindi https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... l 👉Click on following for Operating System in Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyihW... 👉Click on following for Data Structure Tutorial in Hinhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?listdi 👉playlist of computer network    • COMPUTER NETWORK   HTML Full Course    • HTML   #rgpv Related Search Digital Electronics by Zeenat Hasan computer network by Zeenat Hasan Python Tutorial for Beginners Python for Class 11 Data structure by Zeenat Hasan Academy HTML by Zeenat Hasan Academy C Programming by Zeenat Hasan Academy Java by Zeenat Hasan Academy C++ Zeenat Hasan Academy Computer Network by Zeenat Hasan Operating system by Zeenat Hasan Python programming by Zeenat Hasan python tutorial for beginners