The Last of Us 2 All Hillcrest Collectibles / Trading Cards, Artifacts, Safe, Workbenches Locations
The Last of Us 2 All Hillcrest Collectibles / Trading Cards, Artifacts, Safe, Workbenches Locations shows you where to find all Hillcrest Collectibles for Seattle Day 2 Chapter in The Last of Us Part 2 Timestamp: 0:00 1. Trading Card Wachumero 0:53 2. Artefact Join WLF Note 1:18 3. Artefact Boris's Daughter Drawing 2:11 4. Workbench 2:39 5. Journal Entry 3:03 6. Artefact Yolanda's Note 3:28 7. Artefact Need A Plan Note 4:14 8. Trading Card Sahir The Sorcerer 4:40 9. Workbench 7:58 10. Naledi The Youthful 8:19 11. Artefact Condolence Note 8:39 12. Artefact Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour Note 9:01 13. Artefact Dale's Combo 9:40 14. Artefact Turn in Boris Note 10:15 15. Safe Combination 11:43 16. Trading Card Brainstorm 13:02 17. Artefact Boris' Confession 13:37 18. Artefact Rosemon's Flyer 13:53 19. Trading Card Reverb #TLOU2 #Hillcrest #Collectibles