Digestive System ✿ all stomach issues gone! Pain relief
UNISEX, SAFE & FRIENDLY ✿ Listen anytime, anywhere, as much as you're comfortable. ♥ No headphones? No problem! They're completely optional. ❀ Results are safe, permanent, & desired. My all bundles ♣️ • Bundles ♡ Health playlist 🧘♀️ • Health what is this video? There are positive affirmations layered below these soothing/calming sounds which reprogram your subconscious mind in a positive and desired way. Please educate yourself about the power of subconscious mind, the law of attraction/assumption and manifestation. ✧*。 The primary goal of my channel is to establish a secure environment for my subscribers and those committed to self-enhancement. However, I want to emphasize that I make no guarantees regarding the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any subliminal or content. ♡ I must ensure that my YouTube channel and its content follow YouTube's policy and community guidelines. ㉨ B3nef1ts: just short summary 🍹 Perfectly strong, healthy, and invincible stomach. Effortless, flawless, and powerful digestion every day. Total freedom from bloating, discomfort, or digestive issues. Super fast and efficient nutrient absorption. Perfect balance of gut bacteria for optimal digestion and mood. Unstoppable immune system supported by a healthy gut. Smooth, calm, and relaxed stomach at all times. Perfect digestion that keeps energy levels high and steady. Ideal metabolism and effortless weight management. Flawless coordination of all digestive functions. Instant healing and rejuvenation of the digestive system. Nourishing foods effortlessly processed for maximum benefit. Complete harmony between digestion and overall health. Radiant, glowing skin due to perfect digestion. Deep, restful sleep supported by a happy stomach. Zero stress, discomfort, or imbalance in the stomach. Total confidence in the body's ability to maintain perfect digestion. Consistently light, vibrant, and full of energy. Perfect alignment of digestion with mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Instant and permanent digestive perfection. pinned 📌 bundled with these: • Poop easily ❖ sh1t smells like fresh ... • anti bacterial ❃ anti viral ❃ anti fu... Subscribe for more powerful subliminals! / @vita..222 visit my 2nd channel: short version / @subtle111 ASMR/sounds i use in my subs: / @vitaambiance222 Disclaimer: ♡ My content is not intended to replace any medical or psychological treatment, but rather to provide relief and promote peacefulness. It does not guarantee or promise anything! All the audios, videos, and affirmations on this channel are 100% created and edited by me just for relaxation, meditation and educational purposes. NOTE: ✧*。 Please refrain from copying my work or ideas without permission. I value the integrity and originality of my content. For collaborations, kindly contact me directly. Thank you for understanding and respecting my creativity. for pa!d request✧ Gmail: [email protected] Insta: @vitaluminals Tags: ignore it poop easily subliminal constipation subliminal health subliminal poop now subliminal ibs subliminal calm subliminal relief subliminal healthy stomach subliminal stomach pain relief diarrhea subliminal heal ibs subliminal gerd subliminal gastritis subliminal #subliminal #healthsubliminal #poop #ibsrelief