One Two Buckle My Shoe| Nursery Rhymes| Kids Songs

One Two Buckle My Shoe| Nursery Rhymes| Kids Songs

One Two Buckle My Shoe| Nursery Rhymes| Kids Songs Three Four Open the Door Counting Song Buckle my shoe English rhymes for children Kids song Baby nursery rhymes #onetwobucklemyshoe #bucklemyshoe #threefouropenthedoor #countingsong #nurseryrhymes #kidssong #englishryhmes Lyrics 1, 2, buckle my shoe, 3, 4, open the door, 5, 6, pick up sticks, 7, 8, don’t be late! 9, 10, do it again! 1, 2, hop like a bunny, 3, 4, dance so funny! 5, 6, clap your hands, 7, 8, do a handstand! 9, 10, let’s do it again! 1, 2, roar like a lion, 3, 4, wings like a swan, 5, 6, stomp like an elephant, 7, 8, wiggle like a worm! 9, 10, spin around again! 1, 2, climb a tree, 3, 4, buzz like a bee! 5, 6, splash in the sea, 7, 8, fly with me! 9, 10, back home again! 1, 2, jump so high, 3, 4, touch the sky! 5, 6, run real fast, 7, 8, have a blast! 9, 10, let’s do it again! 1, 2, buckle my shoe, 3, 4, open the door, 5, 6, grab my hat, 7, 8, pet the cat! 9, 10, off we go again!