How to Prune Indeterminate Tomatoes & Identify Suckers
🌱 Free Digital Garden Planner & Calendar + $5 in Seeds - https://bit.ly/402CNRj ▶️ MORE TOMATO GROWING VIDEOS: -My tomato trellis (lower and lean) building video - • The BEST Trellis for Tomatoes & Cucum... -My tomato and summer veg planting video - • Planting Tomatoes & Cucumbers: Fertil... I hope to provide you with a fairly comprehensive guide to pruning indeterminate tomatoes and identifying what a sucker is so you are never confused again! I will show you many examples on different plants and take you through the whole process in a very detailed way. If you follow my techniques I promise you won't make another tomato pruning mistake again! 🛒 MY TRELLIS BUILD MATERIALS: -2"x4"x8' ft wood pieces for making stakes -Tomahooks: Johnnys http://www.johnnyseeds.com/tools-supp... Best Deal https://hydro-gardens.com/product/tom... -Trellis Clips https://amzn.to/2JnHptr -1/8in Aircraft Line: (50ft) https://amzn.to/2sB4dzj (500ft) https://amzn.to/2LrTYEB -Wireclamps (Removable) https://amzn.to/2sAhLei -Wireclamps (Crimping, permanent) https://amzn.to/2sKAQts 🛒BEST GEAR FOR GROWING FOOD: Drip Depot for Best Irrigation Parts: http://bit.ly/35mcSaX True Leaf Market Seeds: http://bit.ly/3uf24HU Bootstrap Farmer: http://bit.ly/3GT4nHI Hoss Tools & Seeds: http://bit.ly/3Gs3hUe Amazon Gardening Shop: https://amzn.to/3Coox87 & BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3oqduHC 5% OFF Treadlite Broadfork 'NATURESALWAYSRIGHT' - https://bit.ly/3IYBA76 $10 OFF GreenStalk Vertical Garden 'nature77' - https://bit.ly/3Hvlb8c $15 OFF Hen Gear Nesting Box & Supplies - https://bit.ly/40WgheX $25 OFF Coolbot - Build Your Own Walk-in Fridge - https://bit.ly/3bFj7d1 ✉️ NAR EMAIL LIST (My Exclusive Farming Tips) - https://bit.ly/2PO0ZTf 🌟FOLLOW ME HERE: Website: https://naturesalwaysright.com TikTok: / naturesalwaysright Instagram: / naturesalwaysright Facebook: / naturesalwaysright Rumble: https://bit.ly/3G5OHii Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@naturesa... MUSIC BY: Double Down - Silent Partner • Double Down – Silent Partner (No Copy... #tomatopruning #gardening #howtogrowtomatoes -Some links above provide commissions.