The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | 11AM Mass | October 6, 2024
Saint Mary of the Falls Catholic Church is located in Olmsted Falls, Ohio on the corner of Bagley Road and Columbia Road Visit us online at https://www.stmaryofthefalls.org Follow us on Facebook at St. Mary of the Falls Catholic Parish Follow us on Twitter @SMOFParish Join our parish: https://www.stmaryofthefalls.org/join... Contact us: 440-235-2222 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mass & Reconciliation Times (in person) Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM Live-Stream on YouTube: 11 AM Sunday Mass Weekdays: Monday & Tuesday 9:00 AM Wednesday & Friday 7:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday, 7:00- 8:00 PM Confessions: Saturdays 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meet our Staff: Father Ryan Cubera | Administrator | [email protected] Deacon Rich Mueller | Deacon, Business Manager | [email protected] Marty Cosgrove | Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Annemarie Rajnicek | School Principal | [email protected] Jackie Swinerton | Director of Teen Faith Formation | [email protected] Judy Stasenko OFS | Director of Ministry for Older Adults | [email protected] Chuck Miller | Parish Administrative Assistant | [email protected] Donna Tomko | PSR/Youth Ministry Coordinator | [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________________________________ To subscribe to Parish Updates, register for Flocknote, our Church Mass Email program. We'd be delighted to add you to our Email Community, to register contact our Parish Office at [email protected]. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome from Father Ryan Cubera: What dreams drive your heart? Dreams are powerful places that can transform our lives and communities. I dream about our parish family in three areas – worship, small groups, and young people. Worship because that is where we encounter the Living God. The Weekend Mass can become a powerhouse of transformation. Elevating our standards of worship (message, music, and me) can unleash this power. A deep meeting with Jesus, drinking in the power of his Resurrection, and a healing of the darkness in our lives. Literally victory over death. Jesus gathered twelve disciples to begin the Church. They prayed, served the community, and shared the joys and sorrows of their lives. It was the first small group! Having a group to walk with, eat with, seek answers with, play with, pray with, wrestle with the Scriptures, and simply to share life with is essential. Small groups give us a safe place to grow and mature in our faith. A healthy church represents all generations. Raising up the next generation is central to the mission and a serious challenge. The message of Jesus does not change. He died for our sins and was raised from the dead. How we communicate that mystery of mercy changes in each generation. Sometimes those stylistic changes are small, sometimes they are great. This also means that those of us who feel at home in the parish are invited to ponder a new role. Can we learn how to mentor the next generation, meeting them where they are, sharing with them the gifts of our experience and wisdom, and support them as they bring new life into our community? Pursuing the next generation, in a language and experience that they can relate to and embrace, helps fulfill Jesus’ command for us to make disciples. Dream with me as we elevate our worship, form small groups, and welcome the next generation of disciples into this shared journey. Father Ryan Cubera