Tyrone is One BAD KID!! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣 #matthewraymond #ashortaday #shorts

Tyrone is One BAD KID!! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣 #matthewraymond #ashortaday #shorts

My step son Tyrone wants a new video game but I’m suspicious of the fact that he’s too nice… He can’t help but act up! He really is one bad kid! 🤣 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE & LIKE & COMMENT & ALL THAT OTHER YOUTUBER STUFF FOR MORE Written By: Matthew Raymond Drawn & Animated By: Matthew Raymond All Voices By: Matthew Raymond #shorts​ #animation​ #comedy​ #MatthewRaymond​ #YouTubeShorts​ #LaBoogie #aShortADay #ShortsCreator