get JharSewa kiosk ID from SCPL Swechachha kendra.              📞+91 87895 58039

get JharSewa kiosk ID from SCPL Swechachha kendra. 📞+91 87895 58039

Jharseva kiosk ID - Through which residents of Jharkhand state can very easily apply for certificates like their local residence certificate, caste certificate, income certificate etc. and can get information about the status of their application. Facebook Page -   / swechchhakendraofficial   Instagram Page -   / scplswechchhakendra   Youtube page -    / @scplswechchhalkendra   Twitter Page - -----------------   / swechchhakendra   Website - Contact us 📞 +91 87895 58039 +91 92630 05815 +91 92630 05813 #jharsewa #service #g2c #digitalindia #castcertificate #incomecertificate #onlineservice #trending #free #shorts