why your teeth feel LOOSE & what to DO about it

why your teeth feel LOOSE & what to DO about it

Let's talk about WHY your teeth may be loose. It's normal for kids to have loose baby teeth... but adults? Not as normal -- but often preventable. If you have a loose adult tooth, you need to see a dentist. Tooth mobility can be due to anything from accidental trauma to aggressive periodontal disease. Bottom line, a dentist is the only person who can help you avoid losing the tooth (if it’s even an option.) Don’t wait to see if the symptoms get worse. Waiting will only lead to bigger (and costlier) problems, no matter the reasons behind your tooth mobility. Learn more: https://teethtalkgirl.com/dental-heal... 🦷 Free Oral Health Routine Guide: https://bit.ly/free-oral-hygiene-rout... ▶ VIDEOS MENTIONED: ∙what to do if your tooth FELL OUT:    • How To FIX A Chipped Tooth (Broken To...   ∙gingivitis vs periodontitis:    • Do You Have Gingivitis or Periodontit...   ∙how to prevent gum disease:    • How To Prevent Gum Disease & What Cau...   ∙grinding/clenching teeth:    • Teeth Grinding Explained & How to STO...   ∙night guards:    • Are Night Guards REALLY Worth It?   ∙smoking & teeth:    • If You Like Your Teeth... STOP Smokin...   ∙pregnancy & teeth:    • Part of Pregnancy They Don't Tell You...   ▶ WANT EVEN MORE TEETH TALK? ∙VISIT MY WEBSITE: https://teethtalkgirl.com ∙SHOP Happy Teeth! https://givehappyteeth.com/ ▶ HELP KEEP THIS CONTENT FREE -   / teethtalkgirl   AND FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA :) ▶ INSTAGRAM:   / teethtalkgirl   @TeethTalkGirl ▶ FACEBOOK:   / teethtalkgirl   @TeethTalkGirl ▶ TWITTER:   / teethtalkgirl   @TeethTalkGirl ▶ BACKGROUND MUSIC: artlist.io **This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.** ✌ P E A C E ♥ L O V E ☺ T E E T H ☺