City Council 12 05 2023

City Council 12 05 2023

AGENDA OF THE COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF EAST GRAND FORKS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2023 – 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: CALL OF ROLL: DETERMINATION OF QUORUM: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: OPEN FORUM: “An opportunity for members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current Agenda. Items requiring Council action maybe deferred to staff or Boards and Commissions for research and future Council Agendas if appropriate.” APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Consider approving the minutes of the “Work Session” for the East Grand Forks, Minnesota City Council of November 14, 2023. 2. Consider approving the minutes of the “Council Meeting” for the East Grand Forks, Minnesota City Council of November 21, 2023. 3. Consider approving the minutes of the “Special Meeting” for the East Grand Forks, Minnesota City Council of November 21, 2023. SCHEDULED BID LETTINGS: NONE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS: 4. Truth and Taxation Hearing on preliminary tax levy of 11% with proposed reduction down to a 5% final levy. CONSENT AGENDA: Items under the “Consent Agenda” will be adopted with one motion; however, council members may request individual items to be pulled from the consent agenda for discussion and action if they choose. 5. Consider approving the Exempt Gambling Permit Application for the Northern Lights Figure Skating Club to hold bingo on March 28, 2024 at the Eagles Club located at 227 10th St NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721. 6. Consider adopting Resolution No. 23-12-78 supporting the proposed Special Use Permit for vehicle loads up to 122,000 pounds of the purpose of hauling sugar beets on US Highway 2, 5th Ave NE, and Business Highway 2. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, AND COMMISSIONS: NONE COMMUNICATIONS: NONE OLD BUSINESS: 7. Reconsider snow removal motion from October 3rd meeting. 8. Consider approving Proposal One to address snow removal along Bygland Road and 13th Street SE. NEW BUSINESS: 9. Consider adopting Resolution No. 23-12-79 choosing Option 1 and not waiving the statutory tort limits for excess liability coverage in 2024. 10. Consider approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of East Grand Forks and the Law Enforcement Labor Services Local No. 152 for the recruitment and relocation program for new police officers for 2024. 11. Consider approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of East Grand Forks and the Law Enforcement Labor Services Local No. 152 for the officer retention program for 2024. CLAIMS: 12. Consider authorizing the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to issue payment of recommended bills and payroll. COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS: ADJOURN: