AESTHETIC OR ATHLETIC BODY?!? (Which is better and how to train for each)
This video covers the “show” look vs. the “go” look and how to train for each physique. I want to be clear, THERE IS NO BEST PHYSIQUE. The “show” look isn’t better than the “go” look or vice versa! It all depends on your goals and priorities. The “Show” Look (Aesthetic Body) If you’re an aesthetic lifter, you want to be lean and have muscular symmetry. So what do you need to achieve to “show” look? Think Pecs, Shoulders, Arms, Lats, Quads, and Abs. You want to train more like a bodybuilder and make sure your diet is in check! The "Go" Look (Athletic Body) To get the “go” look, focus on performance and train to get faster, stronger, fitter, and more athletic. Think Traps, low back, a thick core, glutes/hamstrings, and forearms. You want to train more like an olympic sprinter, NFL football player, or elite level CrossFit Athlete. Most importantly, training for aesthetics and performance DO NOT HAVE TO BE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. While it always depends on the individual and their goals, I would argue that for the vast majority of people, these two styles of training can and SHOULD go hand-in-hand. So if you want to get both the "show" muscles and "go" muscles make sure to check out eith the Fit Aesthetics ( https://bit.ly/3hUuFgF ) or the Straight Up Strength Program ( https://bit.ly/3MzNpA7 ) With all TrueStrength Programs you get a 7-Day FREE Trial! As added bonuses you get an Anabolic Meal Plan and CUSTOM calories/macros so you know exactly what and how much to eat to reach your goals! Don't forget to subscribe to this channel HERE ( / tannershuck1 ) And make sure to checkout TrueStrength.co for all your training and nutrition needs! To learn more just check out the links below! Get PAID CA$H to get shredded 👉🏻 https://www.truestrength.co/straight-... Follow me on Instagram 👉🏻 Instagram.com/tanner_shuck/ Follow me on TikTok 👉🏻 / tanner_shuck Follow me on Twitter 👉🏻 https://twitter.com/tanner_shuck?lang=en