"Ambassadors for Christ" | Rev Isaac Johnson | Sunday Service | 15-10-2023 | 9.00 AM

"Ambassadors for Christ" | Rev Isaac Johnson | Sunday Service | 15-10-2023 | 9.00 AM

Sunday Service | 15-10-2023 | 9.00 AM Topic : "Ambassadors for Christ" Bible Passage : 1 Peter 2:11-12 Speaker : Rev Isaac Johnson Theme for the month : Choose to Behave Theme for the year : Right Choices Verse for the month : Having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation. 1 Peter 2:12 The link for Offering & Tithes: https://legacy.thekirk.in/giving website: https://www.thekirk.in email id: [email protected] Phone : 044-25612608 / 93613 07288 Timestamp: 00:00 - Call to Worship 00:53 - Hymn - “Rejoice in God's saints today and all days” 03:53 - Confession & Absolution 07:26 - Elders ordination 19:02 - Announcement 28:47 - Anthem 34:24 - Hymn - "For your generous providing" 37:45 - Bible Reading 38:38 - Sermon 01:20:53 - Offertory 01:23:13 - Hymn - "Here is the place" 01:24:52 - Intercession 01:31:13 - Hymn - "Glory to you, O God 01:33:10 - Closing Prayer 01:35:28 - Postlude @Kirk Live Events​ #thekirk #ChooseToBehave #RightChoices