Editorial Analysis| February 19, 2025| Shankar IAS Academy| UPSC current Affairs | Mains

Editorial Analysis| February 19, 2025| Shankar IAS Academy| UPSC current Affairs | Mains

NOTES: https://www.shankariasparliament.com/... #Newsanalysis #thehinduanalysis #upsc #shankariasacademy Daily Newspaper Analysis | The Hindu | Indian Express | LiveMint | Newspaper Analysis, Feb 19 , 2024 1. Demographic Dividend & School Enrolment: India's Challenge Demographic Dividend: A Window of Opportunity School Enrolment & Demographic Dividend Falling School Enrolment: Demographic Factors Falling School Enrolment: Socioeconomic Factors Falling School Enrolment: Policy & Admin Challenges Challenges in Government Initiatives Way Ahead 2. Uniform Civil Code (UCC) & Live-in Relationships Introduction to UCC Objectives of UCC Challenges in UCC Implementation Uttarakhand UCC & Live-ins Live-in Relationships in India Live-in: Rights & Protections Suggestions & Solutions Demographic dividend, school enrolment, India's challenge, economic growth, human capital, social mobility, workforce preparedness, birth rate, socioeconomic factors, policy challenges, government initiatives, Uniform Civil Code (UCC), live-in relationships, individual autonomy, legal overreach, personal freedom, social norms, gender rights, India, objectives of UCC, challenges in implementation, Uttarakhand UCC, live-in relationships in India, rights and protections, suggestions and solutions. In this news analysis, we will discuss the important news articles from various newspapers, such as The Hindu, Indian Express, Business Line, and other credible sources. But the news analysis is mainly focused on the analysis of the Hindu, which is highly relevant for the UPSC CSE 2024–25. Daily current affairs are covered in detail in this video lecture. All the news articles are covered from the perspective of UPSC and IAS exam prelims and mains preparation. The Hindu News Analysis is very crucial for UPSC preparation’s current affairs section. It also helps in other exams like TNPSC, banking, SSC, and various competitive exams. Visit our website - https://www.shankariasacademy.com/ups... Facebook -   / shankariasacademy   Instagram -   / shankariasacademy   Twitter -   / shankarias   For UPSC & TNPSC books - https://www.siabookmark.com/ Monthly current affairs: https://www.shankariasparliament.com/... #UPSC #CSE #CurrentAffairs #dailycurrentaffairs #currentaffairs #DailyNewsAnalysis #NewsAnalysis #TheHindu #EditorialAnalysis #Exams #thehinduanalysis #hinduanalysis #hinduupsc #hinduias #hindunewspaperanalysisforupsc #upscpre2025 #upsccseprelims2025 #todaycurrentaffairs #currentaffairsforupsc #todaynewsupdates #currentaffairstoday #iasprep #iasprelims #ias #upsccseprelims #iasprelims2025 #upsc2025 #currentaffairs2025 #shankariasacademy #February #2025