Chapters 00:00 - The Ring opening parody (Katie & Becca) 03:55 - The Signs opening parody (Tom Logan & George Logan) 04:55 - Cindy Campbell, twins dancing, big hat, "To have a dream." 06:43 - Cody drawing, Brenda, Father Muldoon 09:27 - Rap battle "The Hood!", Simon Cowell cameo 13:33 - Brenda pranks Cindy "The TV's leaking." 16:51 - Sue "She's dead!" 17:53 - (She's split in half) jokes, Annie "No sex!" 19:46 - (Brenda looks so peaceful.) face, Brenda's funeral 22:02 - The Ring cursed videotape parody "Seven Days." 25:09 - Wrong TV fight "We gonna get another lawsuit." 26:37 - Cody watches the tape, small TV 27:47 - Fighting Michael Jackson cameo 28:57 - Achor reading teleprompter "O Shizl Gzngahr." 29:37 - Leslie Nielsen in Scary Movie 3 30:34 - Cindy meets The Architect 31:44 - (Censored) Alien sightings 32:15 - Aliens fight inside the White House 34:33 - Cindy's door peeking alien 36:12 - Aliens arrived "Not so different after all." 38:09 - Cindy vs Samara "Down the well." (Evil Dead parody) 40:05 - Cindy & George wedding "You, me, and..." Scary Movie franchise reaction 2000 - Scary Movie • SCARY MOVIE (2000) | FIRST TIME WATCH... 2001 - Scary Movie 2 • SCARY MOVIE 2 (2001) | FIRST TIME WAT... 2003 - Scary Movie 3 • SCARY MOVIE 3 (2003) | FIRST TIME WAT... 2006 - Scary Movie 4 • SCARY MOVIE 4 (2006) | FIRST TIME WAT... 2013 - Scary Movie 5 • SCARY MOVIE 5 (2013) | FIRST TIME WAT... Airplane! movie reaction • AIRPLANE! (1980) | FIRST TIME WATCHIN... The Naked Gun movie reaction • THE NAKED GUN (1988) | FIRST TIME WAT... Starship Troopers movie reaction • STARSHIP TROOPERS (1997) | FIRST TIME...