Growing Crown of Thorns Plant in Water

Growing Crown of Thorns Plant in Water

00:00 Title March 11th, 2020 00:05 I got a cutting of Euphorbia milii, a species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaciae, also known as the Crown of thorns, Christ plant, Christ thorn, or Corona de Cristo. Many names speak to the popularity of the plant! I want to check if this 6 cm cutting can grow in my aquarium gardens with its roots in water. Initially, I put the cutting into a plastic straw placed in a small plastic cup filled with gravel. This is the way I grow roots of all small cuttings and herbs in water. Fill the cup with dechlorinated water. Keep all leaves above the water. 00:054 One month later, on April 8th. The Christ plant cutting has pretty white roots. It is time to move the plant into an aquarium garden. Make sure the roots stay in the water and all the leaves stay above the water. May 16th. 01:18 In the past month, the roots have grown noticeably. The plant looks good, just a bit dusty. Let's spray the plant with water to refresh it. Looks better this way. And I move this Crown of thorns into another aquarium garden. January 18th, 2021 01:51 10 months this Crown of thorns plant has been growing with its roots in water. The plant grew very little. The roots stay about the same. I suspect scuds chew on the roots...for that reason I moved the plant into this aquarium without scuds. I am looking forward to see if this little Crown of thorns will bloom this year in the warm season. Have fun and happy aquarium gardens :) Join my Discord:   / discord   Blog: More fun on my website