Fuss | Loose | Save | Themselves | Please | Meaning in Hindi with Examples | मतलब हिंदी में

Fuss | Loose | Save | Themselves | Please | Meaning in Hindi with Examples | मतलब हिंदी में

Fuss | Loose | Save | Themselves | Please | Meaning in Hindi with Examples | मतलब हिंदी में About this video:- How are you all? Doing good? In this video we will look at the Hindi meaning of 5 English words. These words are fuss, loose, save, themselves and please. After looking at the Hindi meaning of these 5 words, we use them in example sentences. This will give you an idea about the practical use of these words. So let us start understanding the meaning of these 5 English words. Queries that I solve in this video: 1) Fuss Meaning in Hindi 2) Fuss Meaning 3) Loose Meaning in Hindi 4) Loose Meaning 5) Save Meaning in Hindi 6) Save Meaning 7) Save in Hindi 8) Themselves Meaning in Hindi 9) Themselves Meaning 10) Please Meaning in Hindi 11) Please Meaning 12) Please in Hindi 13) Fuss in Hindi 14) Loose in Hindi 15) Themselves in Hindi 16) Meaning of Loose in Hindi 17) Loose Hindi Meaning 18) Save Hindi Meaning 19) Meaning of Save in Hindi 20) Meaning of Themselves in Hindi 21) Hindi Meaning of Themselves 22) Themselves Hindi Meaning 23) Please Meaning Hindi 24) Fuss Hindi Meaning 25) Save Ka Hindi 26) In Hindi Please 27) Meaning in Hindi Please The first word whose Hindi meaning we will be looking at today is the word fuss. Fuss meaning in Hindi is udham machana. So if you want to say udham machana in English, then you can make use of the word fuss. Example sentences are 1) Tom is a fussy baby. 2) Stop fussing and eat your food. 3) He doesn't like fussy children. The second fuss meaning is upadrav karna. The third fuss meaning is kisi ko zyaada dhyaan ya sneh dena. Fuss in Hindi is udham machana. Fuss Hindi meaning is also upadrav karna. The second word that we are going to look at today is the word loose. Loose meaning in Hindi is dheela. So if you want to say dheela in English, then you can make use of the word loose. Example sentences are 1) This shirt is loose for me. 2) The ring fell from my finger because it was loose. 3) You should wear loose clothes before going to sleep. The second loose meaning is khula chodna. The third loose meaning is aspasht. Loose in Hindi is dheela. Meaning of loose in Hindi is aspasht. If you want loose Hindi meaning then this is the best video for you. Link to my other videos are here: Learn How to Frame a Sentence in English    • How To Frame a Sentence in English Hindi   Learn How to Use Simple Present tense    • How to Use Simple Present Tense with ...   The third word whose Hindi meaning we will be looking at today is the word save. Save meaning in Hindi is bachana. So if you want to say bachana in English, then you can make use of the word save. Example sentences are 1) I have to save that drowning man. 2) Save yourself. 3) Can we save Tom? The second save meaning is bachat karna. Example sentence is 1) You should save your money. The third save meaning is data ki copy banakar usko surakshit rakhna. It is mainly a computer term. The fourth save meaning is nahi hona or se bachana. Save in Hindi is bachaana. Save Hindi meaning is also bachat karna. Meaning of save in Hindi also means data ki copy banakar usko surakshit rakhna. Save Ka Hindi is explained with examples. The fourth word that we are going to look at today is the word themselves. Themselves meaning in Hindi is apne or apne aap or khud. So if you want to say apne or apne aap or khud in English, then you can make use of the word themselves. Example sentences are 1) They introduced themselves. 2) They themselves finished their assignment. 3) They finished the project by themselves. Themselves meaning is nicely explained in this video. Themselves in Hindi is apne or apne aap or khud. Meaning of themselves in Hindi is nicely explained in this video. If you want Hindi meaning of themselves then we recommend you to watch this video. Themselves Hindi meaning is khud. The fith word whose Hindi meaning we will be look at today is the word please. Please meaning in Hindi is krpya. So if you want to say krpya in English, then you can make use of the word please. Example sentences are 1) Please help me. 2) Please stand in line. 3) Please cooperate with us. The second please meaning is khush karna or santushth karna. The third please meaning is jaisa chaahe. Please in Hindi is krpya. Please Meaning Hindi is khush karna or santushth karna. In Hindi of please is jaisa chaahe. If you want meaning in Hindi of please then this is the best tutorial for you. In the end we look at exercise. If you got any help from this video then please like and share the video with your friends and family. If you want to give any suggestions about how to improve video quality then you can mention in the comments below. If you want future updates of my videos, then please click the subscribe button and press the bell icon so you get notified of the new video that i post here on YouTube. My mail id is [email protected]. Thank you for watching and Keep Learning!!!!! #fuss,#loose,#save,#themselves,#please,#meaninginhindi,# मतलब हिंदी में