Rose propagation from Petals. Best method for grow Rose by petal

Rose propagation from Petals. Best method for grow Rose by petal

Rose propagation from Petals. Best method for grow Rose by petal #thegreenearth #roseplant #rose In this video you are going to learn how to grow your own roses inside your house. Rose is the most popular flowers that can be given to your love ones. Growing your own rose at home is the easiest and economical thing to do. This will save a lot of money and will give you a sense of satisfaction on having your own rose plant at home. This video also will guide you step by step from cutting the rose from bouquet to planting it in the soil. Also it will give you an update from the time it was planted until it gets sprout of many leaves. Making a DIY green garden house for your rose stem is very crucial in this method of propagating roses. So, watching this video will give you a 100% success rate in growing roses indo #naturalbananarootinghormone #rose_flower #how_to_grow_rose_plant Rose propagation from Petals. Best method for grow Rose by petal #rose_flower #rose_petal #naturalbananarootinghormone #how_to_grow_rose_plant Hello everyone! Thank you visited my Channel : "DIY GREEN GARDEN". My channel is about growing, grafting and air layeing "Plants X" in my new technique skill. Life is shot - Why do we do the one thing over and over in the same way? I'm try to open my mind and create something new. Even things that people are supposed to be silly. Because the point of my life is happy. Anyway, thank you for being here. I hope you get luck and peaceful! LIFE IS GOOD - DON'T BE SERIOUS! @diy_green_garden #DIYGREEN_GARD