Find your head voice | VoxGuru Ft. Pratibha Sarathy

Find your head voice | VoxGuru Ft. Pratibha Sarathy

Join VoxGuru's live classes in Carnatic Music and Voice Culture! Click here to whatsapp us : Email us : [email protected] Download the VoxGuru app and take your singing to the next level! Android - iOS - Follow 𝗨𝘀: Insta - Facebook -   / voxguruofficial   #headvoice #highnotes #singingtips #voicetraining #improvesinging Have you ever wondered how some people sing all the high notes so easily? Singing in head voice can help remove strain and improve your vocal range. Watch on to learn how to find your head voice in simple steps. 00:00 The struggle with high notes 00:51 What is head voice? 01:12 Going into yawn space 01:23 Hold a note in head voice 01:45 Yawn a pattern 02:22 Quick tip 02:44 Courses for voice training