What if Earth was Replaced by the Sun? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

What if Earth was Replaced by the Sun? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if Earth was Replaced by the Sun? Firstly, if Earth was Replaced by the Sun, people living in cold places will definitely leave for a different planet. Secondly, if Earth was Replaced by the Sun, other planets may move out, Sun might get very very lonely. Thirdly, if Earth was Replaced by the Sun, people who love to sleep might leave for a different planet. Fourthly, if Earth was Replaced by the Sun, our beloved Moon might get tossed far far away. Fifthly, if Earth was Replaced by the Sun, there is no water on the Sun, we might have to jump to a different planet in order to take a bath. Lastly, if Earth was Replaced by the Sun, all the mobile towers might get knocked off, people may be seen carrying landline phones on the streets. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Earth was Replaced by the Sun? 1:19 - What if we Lived on Pluto? 2:30 - What if Everyone lived in the Great Sahara Desert?