Strength for Service | Charles Spurgeon | Devotional | Morning & Evening: Daily Readings
OCTOBER 5 MORNING - Strength for Service | C H Spurgeon | Updated | Daily Devotional | "Be Very Inspired" *Devotional readings are taken from ‘Morning & Evening: Daily Readings’ by Charles H Spurgeon. It is in the Public Domain. Mr Spurgeon’s Daily Readings/Devotionals on this channel have been updated and the Bible passages are quoted from the New King James version, instead of the King James version. We have also included Bible references and the hymn writer's name in the video where relevant, although they are not read out. So please be sure to check out our channel for the twice-daily devotionals from Charles H Spurgeon. #CharlesSpurgeon #Spurgeon #DailyDevotional This morning's devotional has been updated by the ‘Be Very Inspired’ team. ~~ "So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights." 1 Kings 19:8 [NKJV] All the strength supplied to us by our gracious God is meant for service, not for recklessness or boasting. When the prophet Elijah found the cake baked on the coals and the jar of water placed at his head as he lay under the juniper tree, (1 Kings 19:6) he was no gentleman to be gratified with choice food that he might stretch himself at his ease. Instead, he was commissioned to go forty days and forty nights in the strength of it, journeying towards Horeb, the mount of God. (verse 8) When the Master invited the disciples to "Come and eat breakfast" with Him, (John 21:12) after the feast was concluded he said to Peter, "Feed my sheep"; further adding, "Follow me". (John 21:17,19) It is the same for us in this way; we eat the bread of heaven so that we may spend our strength in the Master's service. We come to the Passover and eat of the Paschal Lamb with loins girt, and staff in hand, so as to start off at once when we have satisfied our hunger. (Exodus 12:11) Some Christians are for living on Christ, but are not so anxious to live for Christ. Earth should be a preparation for heaven, and heaven is the place where saints feast most and serve most. They sit down at the table of our Lord, and they serve Him day and night in His temple. (Revelation 7:15) They eat of heavenly food and render perfect service. Believer, labour for Him in the strength that you receive daily from Christ. Some of us have yet to learn much concerning the purpose of our Lord in giving us His grace. We are not to keep the precious grains of truth as the Egyptian mummy held the wheat for ages without giving it an opportunity to grow - we must sow it and water it. Why does the Lord send down the rain upon the thirsty earth and give the warm sunshine? Is it not that these may all help the fruits of the earth to yield food for man? Even so, the Lord feeds and refreshes our souls so that we may afterwards use our renewed strength in the promotion of His glory. ~ Time for Reflection ~ Strength for Service, Not Self: We are blessed with God’s strength not for our ease, but to serve others and glorify Him. Let us use what we receive to share His truth and grace with the world. Amen. ~~ Hope you have enjoyed and have been inspired by this morning's devotional by Charles Spurgeon. Please also check out this evening's devotional as well. God Bless! ~~ #Jesus #Bible #Christian #Devotional #Motivational #Inspirational